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R.I.P. Scoob

Today was a bad day…

We were rolling out of Mesa Verde National Park in Southern Colorado at about 8am on highway 160 heading west to Arizona and the Grand Canyon. Unfortunately, we came to a strecth of road where traffic was stopped due to construction. We rolled to a stop and about a minute later a huge Ford F-550 plowed directly into the back of Scoob. Needless to say, our plans have just changed dramatically.

It was a fairly terrifying experience but the EMT, law enforcement and tow truck folks were extremely kind and helpful. We are now stuck in Cortez, CO for a few days and we continue to appreciate how wonderful the people in small town America are.

Scoob is unfortunately totaled and we’re not sure yet about the damage to our Toyota Highlander – we were pushed into the van in front of us and so we have damage to both the front and rear ends. It’s a 2014 with 83K miles on it so there’s a chance it may not be fixable either . We’ll hopefully know more tomorrow when then insurance people check everything out.

For now we’re safe and sound in a nice little hotel as we think about possible next steps. We’re really going to miss our Scoob – he was our home for only a short while but we loved him and he probably saved our lives today. Rest in Peace Scoob!

Published inUncategorized


  1. Leigh & keith Leigh & keith

    Wow! So sorry to hear that. Glad everyone is ok and hope you enjoy the luxurious of the hotel while you can. Here’s to continuing on your journey in some way. Fingers crossed.

  2. Tom Mullin Tom Mullin

    Please stay safe and if you need anything from my neck of the woods, please reach out directly

    Tom Mullin

  3. John Tasillo John Tasillo

    I am so glad you guys are ok. If there is anything you can think of that I can do to help please let me know. Your neighbor John Tasillo

    • jbanham jbanham

      Thanks John! All is well – just about to post a new update – we’re back in the game! Hope all is well in Oliver Creek – we’ll see you in a few weeks!

      …Jeff, Donna & Katie

  4. Julie Baker Julie Baker

    I’m so sorry guys!!!

  5. Ger Ger

    oh my gosh! so sorry. glad you are all ok.

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