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In December of last year, Jeff was offered an early separation package from Verizon. It was pretty generous and we were getting close to when he wanted to “semi-retire” anyway so we took it and now life is about to get exciting (they asked him to stay through the end of June)

Back in the Spring of 2018, after a great camping trip with friends out at Jordan Lake State Park, Donna said “if only I could sleep in a tent I would want to do that all the time!” Well, it didn’t take long after that before we were shopping for a small camper and in May we bought “Scoob” (ask us about how he got his name some time) – a 2018 NuCamp T@G camper. We actually got him used even though he had only been used 2 or 3 times. A great deal on what was essentially a brand new camper.

SCOOB in our driveway waiting for the next trip!

Once the offer came from Verizon, our wheels quickly started turning and our summer 2019 cross country trip plans were hatched. We’ve spent the last few months planning (and buying lightweight camping gadgets on Amazon!) and on June 29th we’ll head out on the road for a 2 month trip to see a chunk of the USA!

Our Route
Lots of driving!

We’ll try to keep some updates and pics posted here (and also on Twitter & Instagram). We’d love to hear from you along the way (and even better if your paths will cross with ours at any point!)

See you on the road!

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