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Home Again Home Again Jiggity Jig!

We woke up this morning (23-JUL) to a very rainy day in Asheville so we decided it was finally time to head for home. The dreary day fit our moods as we drove with sad faces through gray rainy skies. Hard to believe that we left just over 3 weeks ago and that it all went by so fast. As sad as we were to end our journey it is nice to be back at home and to be with our pooch Maggie again (thanks Joan & Coco for taking such good care of her!) We’ll sleep in our own beds again tonight and start shifting back to normal life again tomorrow (and shopping for a new camper and car!)

We had a great time and feel so lucky to have had the chance to see so many great places, visit great friends and make some lifetime family memories. It seems to be a pretty safe bet that if we can get a stretch of free time like this again sometime in the future we will most definitely hit the road again – maybe in Scoob#2!

We hope you enjoyed following us here and appreciate all the comments and words of encouragement. We might try to put it all together in a recap movie and will be sure to post the link for you if we manage to pull that off!

Over and Out!

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One Comment

  1. Tom Baker Tom Baker

    Thanks so much for sharing your trip with us! Hope you can do it again!
    Love to all,
    U. Tom and A. Beverly

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