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A great day in Moab, UT

We’re back to enjoying the trip! Yesterday was a great day in Moab, Utah. Based on the advice of a very helpful guy at the visitor center, we got up with the sun and got out to Arches National Park on the north side of town by 6am. He told us that we didn’t really want to be hiking after 9am as they had measured the temp on one spot on the trail in previous Julys at 152 degrees! We took his advice and had a few hours of gorgeous hiking (and not very crowded either!) Katie enjoyed all the bouldering and climbing up to the various arches.

The afternoon was spent lounging by the great pool in the campground – we needed that! Evening took us out to the Hauer ranch (about 20 miles north up the Colorado river) for a sunset horseback trail ride. It was just the 3 of us and Vicki (super nice lady from the UK) along with our guide Emma – a real wrangler – she was 19 years old and had been raised on a cattle ranch in Texas with 11 brothers! It’s hard to describe how amazingly beautiful the scenery was. I kept waiting for Butch and Sundance to come riding around a corner to meet us!

Today we’re planning to do some tubing on the Colorado and then head out to Canyonlands Nat’l Park for more hiking and finally a sunset dinner picnic at Dead Horse State Park!

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  1. larry larry

    That looks like a bunch of fun out there in MOAB! Those horses are super cool for some fun riding!

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